Adventure Horror Games

We all lack a bit of adventure in our everyday routine. But truly exciting things rarely happen to us in our busy, boring lives. So we come home longing to experience something beyond just walking up, going to work and having the same dinner when we get home. How can we do it when everything in our world is predictable and safe? One way to make your adrenaline rise is to play adventure horror games!

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
Horror Barby Granny
Adam and Eve: Night
The Henry Stickmin Collection
The Coma 2
Scary Teacher 3D
Troll Face Quest: Horror 3
Something Looks Weird
The Secret of the Necromancer
Troll Face Quest: USA 2
Crypt of the Bone King
Happy Wheels 3
Pocket Rogues: Ultimate
Troll Face Quest Horror 2
Horror Adventure – KoGaMa
Tequila Zombie 3
Adventure Time