Survival Horror Games Online – Play Free

As a game genre, survival horror can be characterized as fictional storieswhere a main character has to deal with enemies that try to catch and defeat him. In turn, a player should rather find a shelter or try to trick them instead of starting a fight.

Five Nights at Candy’s 3
Mr. Hopps Playhouse
BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre
Amnesia the Dark Descent
Worse Than Death
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Shoot Your Nightmare: Halloween
Day R Premium
Z.O.N.A Project X
Angry Grandpa
Blair Witch
Granny 3
Don’t Starve: Pocket Edition
Nova Snake 3D
Doom II
Mr. Meat 1.6.1
The Great Ghoul Duel
Lets Kill Jane The Killer: Dont Go to Sleep
Haunted Hotel – KoGaMa
Horror Parkour
The Best Horror Game – KoGaMa
Bumper vs Zombies
Crazy Island: Zombie Hunter
Z Day
Last Day on Earth: Survival