Game information
You must have already played or at least heard of the beautiful horror title called Bendy and the Ink Machine. Well, get ready – the developers of this masterpiece are back and they have something really special for you! This is another game from the same studio and it is called Showdown Bandit. In the same way as Bendy, this one is a horror, but not actually a classical horror. You won’t find any blood, monsters, and jumpscares here. Instead, the developers who seem to be fond of aesthetical approach to gaming and interesting stories, have something else to gladden you with. This time, you will get into the depths of a fictional universe again, just like you did in Bendy. However, now the location is a puppet show, a forgotten and old one. That is about to come back in a very strange and even frightening manner…
So years ago, all the children were attracted by a great TV show that depicted funny and cute puppets, telling stories about their life. The show has the same name as the game – Showdown Bandit.
This was a bright and thrilling show and all kids couldn’t get away from the screen – it was really exciting to find out what is going to happen next. One day, the show has disappeared and nobody knew why. The puppets were thrown into a box like trash for years. However, now the time has come to reborn the show and it seems like your most courageous dream comes true – you will become the one who controls the main hero – Bandit! In this horror title, you will find out everything about the show and its secrets of popularity from within. The magical powers will bring you back in time and try to hold the strings of your puppet really strong! The dwellers of this parallel dark world are strange and you cannot predict their actions, so never attack before you are 100% assured that someone in front of you is an enemy and he wants to harm you. You might get into a big trouble!
The world you will appear in is gloomy and dangerous, but you don’t have to be afraid. Everything is important, so keep an eye on the events and inhabitants you will meet here. The creepy mysteries will unwrap in front of your eyes and you will have to solve them. In the end, you will answer the key question of the story: who was a real master of the show? Who was a controller? If you cannot believe that puppets can control human beings while it seems like everything is quite the opposite, get ready that your world will turn upside down today!
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